Wet 'Don't You'
English version is under Chinese(Tradition) version.
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以”Tell me, baby, tell me slowly”當作專輯開場的Wet,新專輯’Don’t You’的當代藍調可以說是現今最受喜愛的一種音樂類型,歌曲帶著責備式的回顧愛情,看似悄悄話的闡述,但其實帶著無限的控訴。
「我寫的不只是愛情中的分手,我對於人們如何處理自己的情緒當他們即將失去的時候相當感興趣,我又會如何面對?我如何跟失去中的自己對話?人們如何在失去當中溝通?也許這就是我寫歌的意義。試著溝通,在你身邊的溝通都是真實的,這些都能使你/妳撐過那段時光。」—Kelly Zutrau
‘Don’t You’這張專輯最大的問題是,歌曲的性質實在太相近,卻又能輕易將歌曲獨立出來,這對下一張Wet製作專輯上將是一大難突破的障礙,如何維持專輯整體氣氛,或是能讓單曲們都有其特色的地方,’Don’t You’的個性鮮明,雖然在EP上處理得很好,但畢竟是迷你專輯的緣故能夠面面俱到。
Wanna Be Your Girl”的音樂錄影帶,後製混音都十分扎實的單曲帶著環繞音的喃喃自語,聽者很容易進入狀況,這就是Wet在處理當代藍調的魅力。
在博客來上購買'Don't You'實體專輯。
在iTunes上購買'Don't You'
在Apple Music上串流這張專輯。
在Spotify上播放'Don't You'。
Click here for our Daily Artist of Wet.
As it beginning, “Tell me slowly.” Wet’s
new album ‘Don’t You’ is arriving with adult contemporary R&B. Flash back
the old relationship with blame-like lyrics, it seems unharmed as it whispering
but will ache you in the middle of nights.
Electronic beats let the songs fit the
moderns more, drums hit the right place where the heart should be, as lead
vocal Kelly Zutrau singing.
"The things that I want to write about
are not always just breakups. I'm interested in how people deal with loss; how
I deal with loss; how I communicate about loss, and how people connect about a
loss. Maybe that's the whole point for me: trying to communicate, and feel that
human connection is real - that's what gets you through the breakups, a little
bit."—Kelly Zutrau
The problem of ‘Don’t You’ is that the
songs, they are too alike but easily to recognize. This extraordinary stage is
what Wet need to conquer with the next album. It is that how to adjust between
whole album and the individuality of singles.
The first time listening to Wet, was via
the music video “Don’t Wanna Be Your Girl”, well-constructed, listeners will
drown in their own memories with lyrics.
Buy physical album on Books.com
Buy this album on iTunes.
Stream this album on Apple Music.
Click here for Spotify.
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Artist 歌手:Wet
Genre 類型:Alternative
Release Date 發行日期:2016/01/29;實體專輯 2016/02/23
Album Rating 專輯評分:9.0
Vocal Rating 歌手評分:9.2 Recommend Single 推薦單曲:Full Album |
© 2016 Reviewreviews Copyright. Chen Pin-Han/cover art belongs to Wet and Sony Music.
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