Visuals Behind : Jesse Kanda / 視覺藝術家 : Jesse Kanda
擁有倫敦背景的視覺藝術家,Jesse Kanda,因為作品的黑暗風格深受喜愛,並且他的作品已經被定義為現代藝術,他不但是藝術家同時也是位導演。早在他與fka Twigs合作之前,他早已為他的室友兼好友的Arca製作EP封面。
London based artist, Jesse Kanda, has been known
for his dark theme organic art, this kind of type is defined as contemporary
art. He is not only an artist but also a director.
Before he worked with fka Twigs, he had
been feature on his roommate Arca’s EPs, including “Stretch 1 ” and “Stretch 2”.
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(Stretch 1) |
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(Stretch 2) |
: 2013 :
在2013年他執導第一支歌手的音樂錄影帶 ”How’s That”。
And in 2013, he directed “How’s That” for
fka Twigs’ “EP 2” (prod. Arca)
以及第二單曲 ”Water Me”。
Also he directed “Water Me”.
同一年,Arca出了新的混音專輯 ”&&&&&”,他與歌手一起受邀在當代藝術MoMA PS1展出他們第一次的表演(由Arca擔任現場音控混音,以及播放”&&&&&”的視覺影片)。
As the same year, he and his artist friend Arca
invited to MoMA PS1 premierd a film that directed by Jesse for Arca’s new
mixtape “&&&&&”.
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(Mixtape "&&&&&" film at MoMA PS1) |
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(左/中/:Jesse/Arca) |
(MoMA Forms X Pitchfork)
以下為此次在MoMA展出的系列 : 創傷
Images below are their first collab for MoMA : TRAUMA
: 2014 :
2014年fka Twigs令人過目不忘的專輯" LP 1 " 封面便是出於Jesse Kanda之手,五種扭曲面向的視覺,在一般發行的唱片中,被隱藏在專輯紙盒內;而黑膠版則是直接輸出。這系列的視覺在紐約藝廊中展出到2014年的八月,值得一提的是,這張專輯同時也被學院大獎葛萊美提名為最佳專輯包裝。
“LP 1 ” by singer fka Twigs came out in
2014, and Jesse designed her album cover art work and visuals, five faces of
fka twigs, twisted, hollow, and inflated, this series of visuals exhibited in a
gallery at NYC. And this album was nominated by Grammy Awards as Best Recording
Package with designer, Phill Lee.
Electronic album “Xen”, Jesse was as Arca’s
art director and rendered the cover art.
來自專輯內的四首單曲音樂錄影帶”Thievery”、”Now You Know”、“Xen”和“Sad Bitch”,也都是Jesse製作。
Also four music video of singles from “Xen”
were made by Kanda, including ”Thievery”, ”Now You Know”, “Xen” and “Sad Bitch”.
今年11/27日發行的 ”Mutant”專輯系列視覺同樣也是由Kanda操刀,但這次不同的是,Jesse與Arca尚未釋出官方音樂錄影帶,值得高興的是,這一次的演唱會,這對完美的合作夥伴將會一起巡演。
And this year, as usual, Jesse worked with
Arca again, covered by an inflated creature with two horns. But this time,
Jesse hasn’t make videos for Arca yet.
但也由於Jesse前衛的視覺,讓好朋友Arca的Instagram帳號因為違反社群守則的緣故被永久停用,Arca在官方推特上說:「Jesse為單曲 ”Vanity”的視覺讓我的Instagram帳號被刪除了,這就是我們身處的世界。」
Jesse's art for vanity got my instagram account deleted forever. this is the world we live in.
— Arca (@arca1000000) June 1, 2015
在上週,歌手碧玉在官方Youtbe頻道上傳了”Mouth Mantra”的音樂錄影帶,影片中的嘴巴內部影像,都是從歌手本人的嘴巴拍攝,也讓人聯想到”創傷 2”的影片,雖然都是與嘴巴有關,但兩支錄影帶因為音樂而呈現完全不同的風格。
About a week ago, Björk released her whole
new music video of “Mouth Mantra”, shots from singer’s mouth and full of Kanda-style,
this video is really worth-watching.
© 2015 Reviewreviews Copyright. Chen Pin-Han/ images credits belongs to Arca, Bjork, Jesse Kanda and Mute recordings
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