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(source: WeTransfer) |
今年夏季發行充滿trap風味的流行專輯,'so sad so sexy'這張專輯融合了嘻哈饒舌的元素,呈現了莉琦李不同的面相,經過四年的沉澱,她在RCA旗下推出了新唱片,同時在流行與另類音樂的拉扯間形成近期的人格。
在最新與WeTransfer合作的系列:製品加工(Work in Progress)第三集當中,Lykke Li分享了她對於音樂的想法,在籌備新專輯'就這樣 感傷著 性感著(so sad so sexy)'的過程中,働失母親的她在同時身為新手媽媽的角色當中取得平衡,「傷痛裡有愛,而愛會造成傷痛。」莉琦李說著。
Released her trap themed pop album this summer, Lykke Li mixed up hip-hop and rap music into her work, after four years away in the music industry, her new record 'so sad so sexy' was released via RCA. A different persona was created between the conflict of pop and alternative music.
In the latest video series presented by WeTransfer, Li was in the episode 3 of 'Work in Progress', sharing her mind on music. After losing her mother and having a child, she was new to re-start the role of being a mother and as an artist. ''Pain is love, love is pain."she said in the begging of the video.
Growing with pain is what made Lykke Li here, these four albums had shown us about her wounds and dark times. And you can watch the progress in the making.
© 2018 Reviewreviews Copyright, all photos from WeTransfer
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